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Robinet-vanne à guillotine Keystone Figure OS1700 ASME 150
Robinet-vanne à guillotine bidirectionnel étanchéité parfaite de classe ASME 150.
Conçu pour les rigueurs des applications de sables bitumeux et effluents haute pression.
Robinet-vanne à guillotine Keystone Figure OS1700 ASME 150


Conception du corps
Modèle court
Acier inoxydable 316L, acier carbone
Température de service
Inférieur à 204 °C
Classe de pression
Type de raccordement au procédé
Type de siège/joint
Classe d’arrêt
Zéro fuite
ASME B16.34
Normes de dimensions de la vanne
Type de vanne


  • Full round port and seat design offers low pressure drop across valve and longer service life in abrasive applications.
  • True bi-directional flow and Zero leakage* shut-off, can be installed in either direction.
  • Compliance to the face-to-face dimensions of MSS-SP135 (short).
  • Suitable for dead end service up to full rated pressure.
  • Designed as a repairable asset for a lower cost of ownership.
  • 17-4 ph stainless steel hardened gate provides improved abrasion resistance against the rigors of abrasive applications.
  • Heavy cross section precision molded elastomer seat, held in place by the bolted body to prevent pullout or shifting in the body. Simple to replace, no shimming or trimming.
  • Seat is available in EPDM, NBR, HNBR, Natural Rubber, FKM or other elastomers with a maximum temperature rating up to 200°C (400°F) with proper elastomer selection.
  • Superior all-around the gate packing assembly, no special tools or unique packing materials to maintain or replace. Optional live-loaded packing for high cycle applications provides continual load.
  • Optional fluoropolymer or proprietary SSEC coating can be applied to gate or body. Formulated to minimize media adherence (anti-stick) and improve abrasion resistance; apply to gate to extend seat and packing life or use on the body, interior or exterior, for additional protection.